(1a)The bull terrier makes an excellent watchdog.(ブルテリアは素晴らしい番犬になる)『A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language』(Longman) (1b)A bull terrier makes an excellent watchdog.(同上) (1c)Bull terriers make excellent watchdogs.(同上) (2a)The beaver builds a dam. (ビーバーはダムを造る)『現代英文法辞典』(三省堂) (2b)A beaver builds a dam. (同上) (2c)Beavers build dams.(同上) (3a)The madrigal is polyphonic.(マドリガル曲は多音声である)『同上』 (3b)A madrigal is polyphonic.(同上) (3c)Madrigals are polyphonic.(同上) (4a)The dog is a vigilant animal.(犬は用心深い動物である)『英語の冠詞がわかる本』(研究社) (4b)A dog is a vigilant animal.(同上) (4c)Dogs are vigilant animals.(同上)
(5)Each art has its own medium: the painter, his pigments, the musician, his sounds, the writer, words.(それぞれの芸術には媒体がある。例えば、画家には絵の具、音楽家には音、作家にはことばがある)『現代英文法辞典』(三省堂) (6)The mouse fears cats.(ネズミは猫を怖がる)『同上』 (7)The pine is evergreen.(マツは常緑樹である)『同上』 (8)The telephone is useful to the businessman.(電話はビジネスマンに役立つ)『同上』 (9)She plays the guitar.(彼女はギターを弾く)『同上』 (10)The kilt was the invention of an English Quaker named Rawlinson.(キルトは Rawlinson という英国のクエーカー教徒の発明であった)『同上』 (11)The first half of the 19th century saw the dual die out.(19世紀前半に決闘はすたれた)『同上』 (12)The book, the play, the film are strong influences on our social life.(本、芝居、映画は我々の社会生活に強い影響力を持つ)『同上』
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